Gabriel Mosaics
classic mosaics, ideal for indoor and outdoor setting - mosaics on commission
"bewitching the glance is what mosaics do, since the dawn of time"
'Gabriel Mosaics' creates works of art which root deep into the ancient Greek and Roman tradition of mosaic making.
There are many ways to create a stone or glass mosaic and the chosen technique of using the typical 'small square', which tends to follow the designed image, is by far the most recognizable way of defining classical mosaics, and the one which has thousands of years of usage. A mosaic made this way cannot possibly go out of fashion, it stands unscathed through any variation of our society's ever changing customs.
The mere presence of such a unique piece of work in the home ensures many, many years of fulfilling enjoyment every time the eye gets drawn to it, because bewitching the glance is what mosaics do, since the dawn of time.
There are many ways to create a stone or glass mosaic and the chosen technique of using the typical 'small square', which tends to follow the designed image, is by far the most recognizable way of defining classical mosaics, and the one which has thousands of years of usage. A mosaic made this way cannot possibly go out of fashion, it stands unscathed through any variation of our society's ever changing customs.
The mere presence of such a unique piece of work in the home ensures many, many years of fulfilling enjoyment every time the eye gets drawn to it, because bewitching the glance is what mosaics do, since the dawn of time.
A passion developed during childhood, travelling many times with the family to Greece and observing the massive presence of antique works in opus vermicolatum style.
It is exactly this style, so spectacular and almost tridimensional, which wholly influences every piece of work.
A wife, three dogs, the Costa Blanca and a lab, Gabriel Artworks' Studio22, located facing the source of inspiration par excellence, the Mediterranean Sea.
How to Choose your Mosaic
How to Order Your Mosaic
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